Forest is the most important natural resource of Sud Ubangi, and plays a key significance to our common good as the inhabitants of the Earth – one of the key regions in the world in terms of CO2 (carbon dioxide) accumulation. Peat boggy forests of this area are not only the heritage of the local community and its natural habitat but their protection should be our common responsibility to all humanity who care towards the future of the planet’s climate.

This majestic forest is struggling with enormous civilization challenges, and its future and role in combating climate change is under big threat. Valuable species of trees (such as ebony or wenge) igniting the imagination of foreign investors in the timber industry, poverty and lack of alternatives forcing people to cut down trees for the production of coal, chaotic deforestation in order to create space for growing crops, and finally poaching. Thanks to our actions we want to bring in a significant change to this state of affairs.

With the help of experienced foresters we will conduct professional training to increase the general awareness of the local community. We will also create dozens of jobs for women and men, whose tasks will focus on the implementation of a professional and long-term forest management plan and afforestation of the areas cut down in the previous years and decades.